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Monday 14 September 2015

Info Post

7 Things Every Graduate Should Know

Graduation is a huge accomplishment and takes a great amount of devotion, time and effort. However, graduation is not the end – it’s just the beginning to a new path in life. Even though school is important and sets up the future for students – it is important to remember that there are life experiences that cannot be learned in school.

Here are seven things every graduate should know. These life snippets will help you become a well rounded person, prepare you for the reality of graduation and welcome you to the real world.

Be Patient - Goals Do Not Happen Over Night

What are your career goals? What little goals will you have to achieve to reach the bigger goals? How or what will you have to do in order to get to achieve your plans – more schooling, certifications, relocation, revise your resume, etc. Write everything down on paper and check off every accomplishment.

Keep in mind, your goals will not be accomplished over night and will take time – just like school did. Writing out your goals and career plan will help you stay focused and will put things into perspective. Reward yourself as you complete each goal or task that takes you closer to achieving the bigger picture. Just because you have the degree doesn’t mean that you will fall into your dream into job – so stay focused and be patient.

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